CSBS BAI Course Catalog


E-SIGN Act: Benefits and Risks 20 minutes This course provides an overview of E-SIGN Act requirements for legal, IT, information security, and compliance personnel. Federal Deposit Insurance 30 minutes This course, intended for tellers and new account representatives, addresses why the FDIC was established, how it relates to member banks, how deposits are protected by the government, the requirements for membership, and what happens when a bank fails. 75 minutes This course, intended for tellers and new accounts representatives, examines which accounts are covered by the FDIC, the seven different ownership categories, whether or not accounts fit into the same ownership class, and the differences between trusts, testamentary, and fiduciary accounts. 40 minutes This course, intended for tellers and new accounts representatives, examines which accounts are covered by the FDIC, the seven different ownership categories, whether or not accounts fit into the same ownership class, and the differences between trusts, testamentary, and fiduciary accounts. FDIC: An Overview FDIC: Federally Insured Accounts Federally Insured Accounts Identity Theft Prevention: Safeguarding Information 30 minutes Intended for all employees, this course provides an overview of what identity theft is and how it occurs, as well as best practices for protecting sensitive company and customer information. 30 minutes Financial institutions and creditors must develop, implement, and maintain identity theft prevention programs that address the issues and areas specific to their business, customers, and location. This course surveys program requirements and Red Flags for possible identity theft as outlined by the FACT Act. It also discusses procedures credit report users must follow when they receive a Notice of Address Discrepancy from a consumer reporting agency and the address validation requirement that applies to credit card and debit card issuers. The course is recommended for all financial institution employees, especially tellers, lending personnel, security officers, and the board of directors. 5 minutes Intended for all employees, this course defines identity theft and surveys some of the common tactics thieves use to steal personal and security information. Identity Theft Red Flags: Duties of Financial Institutions and Creditors Identity Theft Tricks and Tactics Identity Theft


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