Summer Regulatory Summit eBook

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Folashade Abiola-Banjac Prac Ɵ ce Strategic Leader CLA (Cli Ō onLarsonAllen LLP)

Fola is a Principal and Strategic Leader in the Valua Ɵ on, Forensics, Li Ɵ ga Ɵ on, and Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons prac Ɵ ce. She is an experienced licensed a Ʃ orney prac Ɵ cing as a forensic accountant with an industry specializa Ɵ on in serving fi nancial ins Ɵ tu Ɵ ons. Accomplished and results-driven, o ff ering extensive exper Ɵ se providing ethics, and regulatory compliance guidance to the leadership of public sector and private sector organiza Ɵ ons, with extensive experience in forensic accoun Ɵ ng inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons, document review, and the development of expert opinions. A demonstrated record of success inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ng allega Ɵ ons regulatory, and ethical requirements. She leads client forensic inves Ɵ ga Ɵ on projects, managing large team members and o ff ers a history of delivering solid results in a series of posi Ɵ ons with Cli Ō onLarsonAllen, FERC, the SEC, Navigant Consul Ɵ ng, and other corpora Ɵ ons and agencies. Her technical experience includes leading large fi nancial ins Ɵ tu Ɵ on inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons, suppor Ɵ ng li Ɵ ga Ɵ on and in-house counsel, iden Ɵ fying and mi Ɵ ga Ɵ ng fraud, execu Ɵ ng forensic accoun Ɵ ng inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons, direc Ɵ ng client engagements, leading large-scale document review, collabora Ɵ ng with public and private en ƟƟ es, developing expert opinions, having knowledgeable in FERC and SEC regula Ɵ ons, building and leading strong teams, expert witnesses, and li Ɵ ga Ɵ on/trial prepara Ɵ on. Fola has a Juris Doctor from Hofstra University School of Law, Hempstead, NY. She also has a Bachelor of Accountancy from The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. She is a New York State Bar Member, a Business Ac Ɵ va Ɵ on Leader with the Diversity and Inclusion Council, and the DC Chapter President of the NABA (Na Ɵ onal Associa Ɵ on of Black Accountants).

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