Large Bank Supervision On-Demand Training

The course addresses who is on the risk management committee, its policies and procedures, and vendor management. 1 Hour Third-party due diligence is a critical aspect of Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) since it involves the collection and maintenance of third-party risk information. As Financial Institutions increase their reliance on third-party vendors, oversight of these relationships also increases in complexity. 2023 FFIEC Information Technology Conference. 45 Minutes Intended for employees who have contact with third-party vendors, this interactive course defines vendors and the types of services they provide, outlines the procedures for designing a request for proposal and contract, and describes the types of risks associated with vendor relationships. Course features include audio (optional) and video. 1 Hour A discussion on the recent Interagency Third-Party Risk Management Guidance including the requirements for safe and sound operation and how the guidance can assist banks in preparing effective third-party risk management programs. An example analysis of one type of relationship was provided as well as the examiner’s approach to third-party risk. 2023 FFIEC Advanced Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Specialists Conference. Further Guidance Making Better Due Diligence Decisions Managing Third Party Vendor Third-Party Risk Management

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