Large Bank Supervision On-Demand Training

They also walked through the FTX collapse and the role of the digital asset industry in the failures of Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank. Finally, the speakers provided a high-level overview of the digital asset regulatory landscape in key global markets and the USA and conclude with a deep dive on managing IT and cybersecurity risks associated with digital assets. 2023 FFIEC Information Technology Conference. 1.25 Hours This presentation outlined the use of shell companies to facilitate financial-based fraud and includes case examples. Additional information was provided on items to look for in attempting to identify shell companies. 2023 Financial Crimes Seminar. Strategic Risk 20 Minutes Intended for middle management, this interactive course provides an overview of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), including the ERM framework. This engaging learning experience features high-impact audio (optional) and interactive learning activities. 45 Minutes Enterprise risk management (ERM) provides a framework and system for financial institutions to manage–on an enterprise-wide basis–the financial, operational, event, and strategic risks they face. Aimed at staff with risk management responsibilities throughout the institution, this course covers the goals of ERM, categories of risk it addresses, and considerations for designing and implementing an ERM program. Throughout, the course connects principles of ERM to the loan review function and its particular importance in providing information and insight on credit risk. 1 Hour The session was on the economic outlook of the United States in the coming years. The session also analyzed the ongoing global economic trends and their impact on domestic growth as well as on employment trends and consumer spending. The stance of monetary policy in controlling inflation in light of fiscal developments is explored. Finally, the state of the residential real estate industry and factors that will impact it was discussed. 2023 Supervisory Updates & Emerging Issues for Large, Complex Financial Institutions. Vendor Risk 30 Minutes Intended for compliance officers, this interactive course provides an overview of the responsibilities involved in risk management, including compliance, legal, and reputational risk. The Use of Shell Companies to Facilitate Financial Crime Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Enterprise Risk Management and Loan Review Macroeconomic Update Compliance Officer: Risk Management


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