Large Bank Supervision Forum 2023

Best Practices for Large Bank Supervision



2. If the target will involve the use of bank laptops, terminals, or accessing bank systems, schedule time for the following: o Access setup – Logins, Passwords, and tokens, if used for each examiner who will use the technology/systems o Training for examination staff to learn how to use the bank’s technology/systems o Discuss security measures including overnight security for bank provided hardware Communication 3. EIC/team review leads should communicate expectations of the review and deliverable deadlines with the team o Share scope memo with team and discuss assignments o Share templates/procedures to document findings o Confirm that staff have access to all request documents o Share work logistics and related expectations for the assignment o Set deadlines for workpaper submission Examination Management 4. Set expectations for communication with bank management and personnel o Communication process should be coordinated with bank staff o It is recommended that the EICs/Review Leads review all questions / information requests before forwarding to bank in case answer is known or information has been received through other requests o Any discussions with bank personnel should be scheduled by EIC/Review Leads o EIC/Review Leads should attend all meetings with examination staff and bank management 5. Examination Kick ‐ Off Meeting between entire examination staff and bank management o Allow management to make a presentation on the targeted area o Allows for friendly introductions at the beginning of an examination to let all parties meet and discuss their respective areas of bank operations and examination scope o These are typically high level and allows all parties to discuss things such as the request list, outstanding items, agreed upon procedures for things such as examiner questions, meeting scheduling, etc o In addition, an early meeting with a brief introductory discussion can give the examiner a better understanding of the material they are reviewing, help identify key areas of focus, and make the review process even more efficient. This should result in fewer and more focused questions

Last update March 1, 2023

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