Large Bank Supervision Forum 2023
Best Practices for Large Bank Supervision
6. Once the federal supervisory plan is submitted, provide a copy to your scheduling manager to provide advance notice of the dates of the target reviews, number of personnel required and to better ensure that assigned staff have the requisite skills and knowledge IV. Scoping Targets 1. Systems access: o Discuss document sharing platforms with federal agencies o If bank access is required communicate timely with the bank to facilitate access for review staff prior to review o Ensure review staff has necessary access and training on all platforms o If possible, conduct training sessions during pre ‐ plan week o Ensure we have bank or federal agency contact for any password and/or technical issues o Prepare for sufficient internet access that meets agency security requirements 2. A thorough review of corporate and risk governance is imperative for large institutions. Discuss any new business/product lines implemented since the previous examination with management and assess risks associated with those areas 3. Determine if reliance on IA work for certain areas is appropriate given the IA function is rated satisfactory or better. See Reference Document “Potential Areas for Examination Scoping” o Review the audit workpapers for the area to determine if the review procedures and fieldwork testing sample size were sufficient to meet agency standards 4. First Day Letter/ Scopes request lists ‐ it is beneficial for the EIC to keep a list of all Additional Request (AR) items. This list of ARs can be incorporated into the next target request list, potentially reducing future AR frequency V. Conducting examinations 1. Be mindful of the need to reduce unnecessary request items. Do not use a generic request letter or letter from a different bank o Create a customized request list, utilizing the bank’s unique naming convention for documents, if known o Remove request items for activities or functions that the bank does not have (ie. Remove items for mortgage warehouse lending if your bank does not engage in that activity) o Check request list against all documentation that the bank provides as part of their normal reporting for ongoing monitoring Information Requests
Last update March 1, 2023
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