CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Mortgage Underwriting: Examining Character 25 minutes Intended for mortgage loan underwriters, this course provides a comprehensive overview of how to evaluate high-risk borrowers and insiders for lending and avoid discrimination and fair lending violations while evaluating loan applications. Regulations addressed in this course include BSA/USA PATRIOT Act; Unfair, Decept-ive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP); Federal Housing Administration (FHA); Regulation B/Equal Credit Opp ortunity Act (ECOA); Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA); Regulation O. 15 minutes This course, intended for mortgage loan underwriters, identifies how to review mortgage loan appraisals, including complying with fair lending guidelines, and how to determine if and when mortgage insurance is required. Regulations addressed in this course include the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRREA); Homeowners Protection Act (HPA); and Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)/ Regulation B. Mortgage Underwriting: Examining Collateral

Mortgage Servicing

Customer Service

Mortgage Servicing: Customer Service and Support 20 minutes This course provides an overview of customer service best practices, including how to communicate effectively with customers and handle difficult situations like consumer complaints.


Mortgage Servicing: Ethics 20 minutes This course addresses the role of employees in conducting business in an ethical manner, what rules to follow to behave ethically, and how to recognize unethical behavior. The course also discusses the different types of discrimination and prohibited bases.

Mortgage Lending

Mortgage Servicing: Delinquent Borrowers 20 minutes This course provides an overview of how and when contact must be made with a delinquent borrower, including early intervention exemptions and continuity of contact requirements. This course includes: RESPA. 20 minutes This course provides learners with an overview of how to respond to notices of error and information requests from borrowers, as required by the Mortgage Loan Servicing Rules. This course includes: RESPA. 20 minutes This course provides an overview of escrow and force-placed insurance, including how to handle force-placed and hazard insurance and when the small servicer exemption applies to force-placed insurance. This course includes: RESPA. Mortgage Servicing: Error Resolution and Information Requests Mortgage Servicing: Force-Placed Insurance and Escrow


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