CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Reg Z: Required Disclosures 5 minutes This mini-course offers a review of Regulation Z’s disclosure requirements for mortgage loans, including the Loan Estimate, Closing Disclosure, and others. The course is intended for all personnel required to have general knowledge of Reg Z’s practical implications for real estate loans. 25 minutes This course, intended for employees involved in consumer lending, provides information about right of rescission, including which loans are eligible and how your institution can ensure Regulation Z compliance. 45 minutes Intended for all lending personnel, this course covers Regulation 's key disclosure requirements for closed-end, non-mortgage loans. Students will learn the disclosure rules for annual percentage rate (APR), finance charge, and amount financed, including what costs are included and excluded in calculating them. In addition, the course covers requirements for disclosing payment schedule, total of payments, variable rate disclosures, late payment charges, prepayment disclosures, security interests, and demand features. 30 minutes This course, intended for mortgage lenders and servicers, examines the criteria that define a higher-priced mortgage loan (HPML), the escrow requirements for HPMLs, and exemptions from these escrow requirements. 60 minutes In this course intended for all lending personnel, you will learn to identify what information must be included in open-end credit disclosures, discover what comprises the annual percentage rate, and recognize what information is included in periodic statement disclosures. 10 minutes This course, recommended for all employees who need a general knowledge of Regulation Z, gives an overview of reverse mortgages and their disclosures. 30 minutes This course, intended for frontline employees and other employees who do not deal directly with loans, provides an overview of Reg Z, including its purpose, when it applies, and key requirements. 90 minutes Upon completion of this course, recommended for mortgage lending personnel, students will be able to identify the background and purpose of Reg Z, indicate the key elements of a disclosure statement, and determine when disclosures are required. Reg Z: Right of Rescission Regulation Z: Closed-End Credit Disclosures Regulation Z: HPMLs and The Escrow Rule Regulation Z: Open-End Credit Disclosures Regulation Z: Reverse Mortgages Regulation Z: The Basics RML: Complying With Regulation Z


Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA): Essentials 30 minutes Intended for all employees, this course provides a high-level overview of RESPA, including the disclosures that are required throughout the loan application process, prohibited practices, and penalties for noncompliance.


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