CSBS BAI Course Catalog


Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): Comprehensive 45 minutes This highly course reviews key Community Reinvestment Act requirements, including public file contents, data collection procedures, and CRA examinations for Small, Intermediate Small, and Large financial institutions. 30 minutes This course provides a high-level overview of key Community Reinvestment Act requirements, including public file contents and data collection procedures. 10 minutes This compliance brief covers Regulation G, which implements section 711 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requiring (among other things) depository institutions to make information regarding covered CRA-related agreements available to the public and available to the appropriate federal regulatory agency. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA): Essentials Regulation G: Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements

Credit Cards

Credit Cards: Regulations and Liabilities 60 minutes In this course, intended for tellers, new accounts representatives, loan personnel, security, compliance officers, and senior management, you will learn how to identify open-end or revolving credit; determine the require ments and regulations that impact credit cards and the opening of credit card accounts; recognize the various levels of cardholder liability; identify offsets against accounts and actions on accounts regarding fees, penalties, opt-ins, and APRs; and determine how to update applicant information.

Fair Lending

Fair Lending: Comprehensive 45 minutes This course, intended for lending, lending management, management, senior management, legal, and compliance personnel, addresses how implementing a fair lending program improves compliance, policies, and procedures that are involved in a fair lending performance review; the components of a fair lending monitoring system; and the reputational risk impact of a fair lending violation. 30 minutes Intended for those who need a high-level understanding of the application of fair lending, including frontline employees, management, and boards of directors, this course identifies how to recognize different types of discrimination and properly handle prohibited bases. It also addresses the various risk impacts of fair lending violations. Regulations covered in this course include the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), Fair Housing Act (FHA), Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). 90 minutes This course, intended for lending management, management, senior management, legal, compliance, and Board of Directors, addresses how implementing a fair lending program improves compliance, the teams, policies, and procedures that are involved in a fair lending performance review, the components of a fair lending monitoring system to evaluate day-to-day activities, how regulators measure enforcement penalties in the event of a violation, and the reputational risk impact of a fair lending violation. Fair Lending: Essentials Fair Lending: Implementation, Monitoring, and Review


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