CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Business Writing: Reports and Proposals 30 minutes This course presents techniques for writing two crucial business documents proposals and reports. It covers the various types of business reports and proposals, their structure, purpose and content, as well as professional models of reports written by seasoned experts. Students will learn the components of each kind of business report and proposal in use today, including formal and informal formats. 30 minutes The World Wide Web and email technology have changed the way we communicate. Email offers a clear business advantage, speeding up transactions and long distance discussions and has become the communication medium of choice in the office, replacing the phone and one-on-one contact. In this course youll learn about email etiquette and the unwritten rules of email messaging, resulting in more effective emails. 45 minutes This course provides all the tools you need to improve your business report writing skills. The course focuses on techniques for sorting, interpreting, and drawing conclusions from data. You will also learn how to use statistical and tabulating techniques to translate raw data into meaningful, easy-to-read graphics to use in reports. Optimizing Email Report Organization and Presentation Appraisals and Evaluations: Comprehensive 45 minutes Intended for those who perform appraisal review and/or complete property evaluations, this course provides a comprehensive overview of the appraisal and evaluation process, including best practices of an effective appraisal and evaluation program. 25 minutes Intended for loan officers, loan department management, and other members of credit risk management, this course provides a high-level overview of appraisals and evaluations and addresses best practices for implementing an effective appraisal and evaluation management program. 5 minutes Featuring the recently amended threshold for commercial loans, this mini-course provides an overview of thresholds and standards for appraisals and evaluations of federally related transactions. The course is intended for loan officers, loan department management, and other members of credit risk management. 5 minutes This mini-course provides an overview of sound practices for selecting and managing appraisers and evaluators of federally related transactions. The course is intended for loan officers, loan department management, and other members of credit risk management. Appraisals and Evaluations: Essentials Appraisals and Evaluations: Thresholds and Standards Selecting and Managing Appraisers Lending Laws and Regulations Appraisals


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