CSBS BAI Course Catalog


Communicating as a Team 45 minutes Organizations increasingly rely on employee teams to handle projects. Therefore, communication within teams is crucial to an organization's success. This course helps you develop more powerful, effective team communication skills. 30 minutes This comprehensive course will teach you communication principles as well as how to navigate professional communications. You'll learn which communication methods to select, how to overcome professional communication barriers, and work toward win-win negotiations with your colleagues and clients. 45 minutes Because many companies employ people from a variety of different cultures, miscommunication and miscues can occur. These miscues and poor communication negatively impact performance, relationships, and teamwork. In this course you will learn the communication styles of co-workers and obtain information vital to successful cross-cultural workplace communication. 30 minutes Communication in the work environment is a vastly misunderstood skill. Poor communication skills hinder employee and inter-office teamwork. Effective communications are more important than ever. In this course you will learn the dynamics of communication in the workplace and develop more effective communication skills. It will also teach you how to handle ethical situations in the workplace. 45 minutes In this course you will learn how to communicate effectively and how to practice, perfect, and master your communication skills. You will learn how to assume responsibility for understanding what another person is saying and how to ensure that you are understood. You will also learn how content and process affect communication. 45 minutes This course presents tactful, effective strategies for communicating negative or unwelcome news to others. You will learn strategies for presenting negative messages both inside and outside an organization. This includes considering legal matters and recognizing cultural differences. 45 minutes This course provides an introduction to the meaning of signals projected through body language. You will learn how these signals provide clues to attitudes and feelings that can be explored and verified with effective verbal communication. By learning and practicing the techniques presented in this course, you can become a more effective communicator. 45 minutes This course presents techniques for communicating persuasively. Learn how to use the 3 x 3 Writing Plan to organize and compose messages and leverage new techniques for writing persuasive internal messages, sales messages, news releases, claims and adjustments, and action requests. Communicating Clearly: Processes, Skills, and Scenarios Communicating Cross Culturally Communicating Effectively at Work Communicating Interpersonally Communicating Negative Messages Communicating Non Verbally Communicating Persuasively


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