CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Financial Products and Services Laws & Regulations


The Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network 45 minutes Intended for processing, customer service, and compliance personnel, this course provides an overview of the ACH network process, as well as requirements for returns and stop payments and compliance considerations set forth by the NACHA Rules.

Complaint Management

Developing a Complaint Management Policy 5 minutes Intended for senior management, board of directors, and compliance officers, this mini-course summarizes the components of an effective complaint management policy. 30 minutes Intended for senior management, board of directors, and compliance officers, this course provides best practices for implementing an effective complaint management policy and addresses the importance of trending and analyzing complaints to mitigate regulatory violations. Managing Consumer Complaints Cloud Application Security for Financial Institutions 25 minutes Intended for financial institution managers, decision-makers, and technology professionals, this course introduces the respective responsibilities of the institution and the hosting company for cloud application deployment, security, management, and auditing. Topics include an overview of deployment and service models for cloud applications, the use case for cloud computing, and mitigating risks associated with implementing cloud applications. 25 minutes If you don’t know how to protect yourself, cybercrime can cost your institution millions of dollars each year. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to explain how the cybercrime black market operates and just how much cybercrime can affect an organization’s bottom line. In addition, you will recognize how sensitive information is compromised and identify specific ways to protect yourself and your organization. 20 minutes This course, intended for all employees, provides an overview of common computer threats, like malware, and identifies basic security precautions that can be taken to combat these risks, including how to protect computers and choose strong passwords. 15 minutes This course, intended for all employees, provides an overview of common social engineering tactics, including phishing email scams, and highlights best practices for combatting these attacks and protecting sensitive information. Cybercrime Essentials for Financial Institutions Cybersecurity: Computer Security Basics Cybersecurity: Phishing and Social Engineering Cybersecurity / Information Technology


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