CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Retail Banking Basics: Ownership and Financial Management 20 minutes The course is intended for all employees, especially new hires. It introduces the ownership structure and financial management issues relevant to retail banking institutions. 60 minutes The course is intended for all employees, especially new hires, all front-line employees, tellers, loan officers, and those who process checks and funds. It surveys the products that financial institutions provide to help meet their customers’ needs, with emphasis on deposit, retirement, loan, and specialty products and services. 40 minutes This course introduces the regulatory issues and agencies relevant to retail banking institutions. It surveys several key federal agencies and examines the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System. The course is intended for all employees of financial istitutions, especially new hires. General New Account Skills 30 minutes This course explores two key tasks for account representatives: counseling customers as they choose the best deposit account for their investment needs and opening new accounts. The course is intended for all employees of financial institutions, especially front-line employees, compliance officers, and supervisors. 15 minutes Intended for frontline personnel, this course provides an overview of the different types of business accounts and the requirements for opening each type of account, including how to identify high-risk business accounts. Regulations addressed in this course include Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) and the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA). 25 minutes Intended primarily for frontline employees and their supervisors, this course provides an overview of new account fraud, including common types of fraud schemes and fraud prevention methods. 150 minutes In this course, intended for new accounts representatives and new accounts supervisors, you will learn the importance of disclosures, disclosures required under the Truth in Savings Act, the requirements of the Expedited Funds Availability Act, the disclosures required for IRS reporting, the requirements of Reg D, and required disclosures under Reg E. 60 minutes In this course, intended for new account representatives and new account supervisors, you will learn how the Fair Credit Reporting Act governs institutions, Bank Secrecy Act requirements and when to complete a Currency Transaction Report, what violates the Right to Financial Privacy Act, how to reply to loan inquiries, what Reg O is and how it applies, and what the Bank Bribery Statute is and how it applies. Retail Banking Basics: Products Retail Banking Basics: Regulatory Agencies Deposit Accounts: Counseling Customers and Opening Accounts Frontline: Opening Business Accounts New Account Fraud New Account Orientation: Reg and Disclosures New Account Orientation: Regs and Liability Prevention


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