CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management 40 minutes Intended for middle management, this course provides an overview of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), including the ERM framework. 45 minutes Enterprise risk management (ERM) provides a framework and systems for financial institutions to manage–on an enterprise-wide basis–the financial, operational, event, and strategic risks they face. Aimed at staff with risk management responsibilities throughout the institution, this course coves the goals of ERM, categories of risk it addresses, and considerations for designing and implementing an ERM program. Throughout, the course connects principles of ERM to the loan review function and its particular importance in providing information and insight on credit risk. 45 minutes This course serves as your one-stop shop for understanding federal records retention requirements. Upon completion of this course, recommended for management and board members, learners will recognize when records must be retained, the duration of retention, and exactly which types of documentation must be retained. They will also understand the required elements and key players of a records management program. Regulation O 60 minutes Do you know which people in your financial institutions are 'insiders?' In order to understand exactly who is affected by Regulation O, you need to in order to avoid Reg O violations. In this course, intended for new hires and any employee exposed to this regulation, you will learn how to identify who is affected by Reg O, determine what the regulation prohibits, and recognize how Reg O affects affiliate and correspondent banks. 15 minutes Intended for all employees, this course provides a high-level overview of Regulation O, including its history and purpose. Regulation W 15 minutes Need a simplified understanding of Reg W for your employees? Upon completion of this course, recommended for HR, retail, and lending staff, you will be able to identify why Reg W exists and who must comply. In addition, you will be able to define affiliates, and demonstrate an understanding of Section 23(a) and Section 23(b) provisions. Enterprise Risk Management and Loan Review Records Retention Federal Records Retention Requirements for Banks Reg O: How to Comply Regulation O: Essentials Reg W: Basic Concepts


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