Summer Regulatory Summit eBook
Internal Use Only
Scott Corscadden Supervisor, Bureau of Loans Alabama State Banking Department
Mr. Corscadden is presently employed by the Alabama State Banking Department as the Supervisor, Bureau of Loans. As Supervisor, he is responsible for the administration and regulatory supervision of licensees under the Alabama Consumer Credit Act, Alabama Small Loan Act, Alabama Pawnshop Act, Alabama Mortgage Brokers Licensing Act, Alabama Deferred Presentment Services Act and Alabama SAFE Act. Prior to accepting the position of Supervisor, he was with the financial institutions group at the law firm of Miller, Hamilton, Snider & Odom in the Birmingham office. He also served as the General Counsel for the Alabama State Banking Department from 1994 through 2001. He holds a law degree from The University of Alabama School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Mr. Corscadden is a Certified Mortgage Examinations Manager – Conference of State Bank Supervisors; Member of National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators; Member of Alabama Banking Law Continuing Legal Education Planning Committee; Member of National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators. He represents the State Banking Department in membership of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators, and National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators. He served as Ombudsman for the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) from 2016-2020. Mr. Corscadden is also a member of the State Regulatory Registry (SRR) Lawyers Committee (2022 Present) and serves as the National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators Representative to the NMLS Policy Committee (2022-Present).
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