Participant Handbook
APPENDIX Tab H – Internal Audit Function
Technical: review and revise, if necessary, any and all documentation, whether in print or online, used in the operation of the ECP and in furtherance of the its stated objectives and mission statement Risk Management: assure community that certification criteria is reasonable and valid; that proceduresare fair and clear; that waivers and grandfathering are legitimate and evenly applied;that changes to credentials and/or the process are developedbySMEs and approvedby consensus; and that reasonable accommodations are made for those with disabilities Schedule:review and improve, if appropriate,the time-specific factors related to ECP certification: three- year term, grace period forCEH submissions, waive-in deadlines, etc. Costs: review and adjust, if necessary, the fees associated with ECP certification: application fee, certification fee, upgrade fee, etc. Conceptual: Regular audits demonstrate that theCertificationCommittee and ECP staff are managing the program effectively on behalf of the certified community
Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
Rose Shaheen Project Manager
Chuck Martier CertificationCommittee Liaison to ReviewTeam
Julia Lang ProgramSpecialist
Dave Novotny Audit ReviewTeam Member
Bob Lipot Audit ReviewTeam Member
Richard Plotkin Audit ReviewTeam Member
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