Participant Handbook
The nonconformities may be identified during an internal audit or throughout the intervening years. Once identified, the following actions should take place in a timely manner: Determine the cause of the nonconformity Evaluate the need for action to prevent the reoccurrence of the nonconformity Determine and implement the action(s) needed Record the results of the action(s) taken Evaluate the effectiveness of the preventive action Appendix Tab A: Strategic decisions Tab B: Certification Committee roster and charter Tab C: List of credentials currently offered; credentials under development Tab D: Recertification/Continuing Education Requirements Tab E: Candidate/Supervisor Agreements Tab F: Conflicts of Interest, Confidentiality, and Nondisclosure Acceptance Form
Tab G: Administrative Action Procedures Tab H: Internal Audit Function Process Plan
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CSBS Examiner Certification Program Participant Handbook (3 rd ed.)
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