Large Bank Supervision On-Demand Training
Rethinking Risk: Thoughts on Liquidity and Interest Rate Risk for Community Banks 1.5 Hours This session discussed the importance of effective liquidity and interest rate risk management for community banks in today’s challenging economic environment. Attendees were updated on the recent bank failures that began in March 2023 as well as learn about some of the current best practices for Asset-Liability management modeling. There was also an example of liquidity pro forma cash flow analysis and thoughts on the investment portfolio as it is related to liquidity and duration risk. 2023 FFIEC Capital Markets Conference. BSA/AML/OFAC Risk 1.5 Hours FinCEN, federal banking agencies, and state regulators discussed the AML Act, including regulatory changes and implementation. 2023 FFIEC Advanced Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Specialists Conference. 1 Hour This presentation focused on crypto-assets and provided foundational knowledge so examiners can understand related key terms and concepts. BSA/AML risks to financial institutions posed by the crypto-asset sector, as well as other relevant regulatory concerns, were also highlighted. 2023 FFIEC Advanced Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Specialists Conference. 1.5 Hours FedNow Service: Fighting fraud in instant payments. Faster payments are growing rapidly. Learn about the unique aspects of instant payments and how the Federal Reserve Banks will help participants of the FedNow Service combat fraud. 2023 Financial Crimes Seminar. 45 Minutes This session focused on the role of examiners in assessing and promoting compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act and other anti-money laundering laws and regulations, and the importance of continued collaboration and information-sharing amongst and between FinCEN and federal and state financial regulators. 2023 FFIEC Advanced Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) Specialists Conference. 35 Minutes This presentation provided an overview of FinCEN’s AML & Sanctions Whistleblower Program and its Office of the Whistleblower (OWB). FinCEN created the OWB in May 2021 to develop a whistleblower award program, as required by the 2020 Anti-Money Laundering Act. The award program is meant to incentivize individuals around the world to voluntarily provide FinCEN with information regarding violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and U.S. economic and trade AML Act Panel Examining for and Understanding Crypto-Asset Risks FedNow Fraud Procedures FFIEC Advanced BSA/AML Specialists Conference Keynote Address FinCEN’s AML and Sanctions Whistleblower Program
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