Introductory BSA/AML Examiner School, Atlanta, CA

Activity 3

• How would the acquisition of a new bank affect the existing compliance structure for Riverside Community Bank? • Make the following assumptions: • The bank is in an adjoining state, has 15 branches and offers services that are identical to those offered by your institution. • The existing BSA/AML Compliance Department at the new bank is comprised of the BSA/AML

Officer, also serving as the bank’s Operations manager, and one other employee who is shared with another area half of each workday.

Activity 5

• What issues would need to be evaluated if the following additional information was provided? • 10 months ago the acquired bank was rated as needs improvement on their last regulatory examination. • The BSA/AML Officer informed the acquiring bank that she will be resigning two weeks after completion of the merger. • The part time employee currently shared with another department has asked to be considered for the BSA/AML Officer position once the incumbent has departed. Their last performance evaluation was rated 3 (attains expectations) on a scale of 1 – 5.

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