Introduction to Mortgage Servicing Examination Training eBook
MCR Analytics User Guide
Filtering Options (continued)
*Peer Groups
The Peer Groups filtering option provides the user with reasonable and appropriate groups of similar companies to help facilitate in making comparisons. Peer groups are assigned each quarter based on a company’s origination activity. Refer to the table below for a more detailed breakdown of what makes up a peer group.
Origination Peer Group Factors
A company that did not originate any loans in the quarter. Typically, this is assigned to servicers who do not originate, companies required to file MCRs who do not originate mortgage loans, and companies out of business.
No Loans
At least 50% of the originations were reverse loans.
All of the originations were brokered loans and less than 50% were reverse. • At least one of the originations was closed retail or closed wholesale. • Less than 50% of the loans were reverse loans. • The average quarterly number of loans originated for each company was between 1 and 100. • At least one of the originations was closed retail or closed wholesale. • Less than 50% of the loans were reverse loans. • The average quarterly number of loans originated for each company was between 101 and 500. • At least one of the originations was closed retail or closed wholesale. • Less than 50% of the loans were reverse loans. • The average quarterly number of loans originated for each company was above 500.
Lender 1
Based on rolling four quarter averages of origination activity.
Lender 2
Lender 3
Servicing Peer Group Factors
Servicing Peer Group
No Servicing
Company did not service loans
Servicers with an average of under 5,000 loans per quarter nationwide
Servicers with an average of 5,001-100,000 loans per quarter nationwide Servicers with an average of 100,001-1,000,000 loans per quarter nationwide
Servicers with an average of 1,000,000+ loans per quarter nationwide
Servicing by Other
Company owns the MSR and have a third-party to service the loans
Updated 8/8/2019
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