IT Examiner School eBook

Education or training which has been determined to be essential in maintaining and enhancing skills or knowledge necessary for the performance of a job for which the certification is required. Continuing Education Classifications Core Education, training, or other activities which has been determined will enhance skills or knowledge necessary to effectively work as an examiner or regulator including but not limited to soft skills, technical trainings, providing on the-job training, participating on CSBS committees. Training completed as part of employment or general interests but does not directly contribute to the proficiency of the certification maintained. General courses will not count toward continuing education. General Elective

Providing a Path

Certification can assist agencies in developing the workforce of tomorrow by providing a framework for career progression and professional development.

Continuing education to take state regulators to the next level.

Training directors decide what their examiners need Tie in training to certifications Certification as a measure for career progression

Acquiring and maintaining a CSBS Certification gives regulators the opportunity to advance their career along a well-defined career path, encourages knowledge and skills development and recognizes and rewards achievement.

Training Directors will be able to identify courses that align with an examiners credential, maintaining the education and career path provided by their agency in combination with a CSBS certification. Program Improvements

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