IT Examiner School eBook
Internal Use Only
AIO Infrastructure Architecture
Internal Use Only
IT Architecture
IT architecture design includes determining the appropriate deployment environments. Design environments may be managed in-house or by a third-party service provider, including a cloud service provider. Whether in-house or outsourced, management may use a combination of physical and virtual design environments and should consider the risks and benefits of both. Virtualization Types Risks • Vulnerability Management: Establish processes for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities within containers to maintain security and reliability.
Virtual machines (VMs): software-based emulations of physical computers. They provide the ability to run multiple independent operating systems and applications on a single physical server or host. Hypervisors: They are software or hardware platforms that enable the creation and management of multiple virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical server or host. Containers: lightweight, portable, and isolated form of virtualization technology used to package and run applications and their dependencies. Microservices: Application that is a collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services.
• Segmentation: Employ network and resource segmentation to isolate containers and prevent unintended interactions with applications and host operating systems. • Container Monitoring: Implement monitoring capabilities to continuously observe the behavior of containers and detect any anomalies or security breaches. • Data Storage Design: To avoid data loss during container updates and replacements, design a data storage strategy that keeps data outside of the container, ensuring data persistence and portability.
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