IT Examiner School, Providence, RI
Pandemic Planning
Two significant repercussions of a pandemic are:
Greatly reduces the number of available personnel to perform tasks, and the potential that the personnel may not be sufficiently trained to maintain operations.
NOTE: Guidance for bankers can be found in FIL‐6‐2008 Interagency Statement on Pandemic Planning Guidance for Minimizing a Pandemic’s Potential Adverse Effects .
Limitation of direct access to facilities due to quarantine or minimization of contact to prevent spread of illness.
Incident Response Plan - Procedures
At a minimum an incident response program should contain procedures for the following:
Assess the nature and scope of an incident, identify what customer information systems and types of customer information have been accessed or misused. Take appropriate steps to contain and control the incident to prevent further unauthorized access.
File Suspicious Activity Report ("SAR") as required.
Notify customers when warranted.
Notify primary Federal regulator.
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