Examiner Certification Program Handbook Updated March 2025
Tab F – Administrative Action Procedures Certification Committee Decisions The Certification Committee notifies individuals of their certification decision as soon as possible. Decisions include: • Initial Certification: o Approved o Deferred (more information or corrections needed) o Denied • Recertification: o Approved o Approved with probation or conditions o Denied Adverse Actions If an applicant does not meet program standards, the Committee may take the following actions: • Deferral (Not Final, No Appeal) – The applicant has time to fix deficiencies before a final decision. • Denial (Final, Can Be Appealed) – The applicant does not meet standards and is unlikely to correct deficiencies in a reasonable time. • Probation – The individual remains certified but must meet conditions within a set timeframe. • Show Cause – The individual must prove why certification should not be denied or revoked. • Revocation – Certification is removed if deficiencies are not corrected. Appeals Process An individual can appeal if denied certification, placed on probation, suspended, or revoked. Grounds for appeal include: • Bias Steps: 1. The individual must notify the Committee of intent to appeal within 30 days and submit supporting documents within 60 days. 2. The Committee reviews and issues a second decision. Appellate Committee Overview If an individual disagrees with a Certification Committee decision (denial, suspension, or revocation), they may request a final review by an Appellate Committee . Formation of the Appellate Committee • Errors in facts or procedures • Arbitrary decision-making
20 Examiner Certification Program / Participant Handbook
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