Examiner Certification Program Handbook Updated March 2025
Tab D – Candidate/Reviewer/Supervisor Agreements (NOTE: ALL APPLICANTS AND REVIEWERS/SUPERVISORS ARE REQUIRED TO INDICATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THESE AGREEMENTS BY PLACING A CHECK IN THE ACCEPTANCE FIELD DURING THE APPLICATION PROCESS. THEY ARE POSTED HERE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY.) Candidate Application Agreement By submitting this application, you agree to the terms below. 1. Confidentiality The certification application process is confidential. Access is limited to those directly involved: the applicant, supervisor, designated agency staff, CSBS staff, and the Certification Committee. You agree to maintain this confidentiality as permitted by your agency’s statutes and policies. 2. Continuing Education and Updated Requirements Certification requires commitment to ongoing education. By applying, you affirm your ability to meet continuing education (CE) requirements and agree to audits of CE submissions. Compliance with updated certification standards is also required to maintain certification. 3. Professional Conduct You agree to act with integrity and report any inappropriate conduct by certified individuals to your supervisor, who will notify CSBS staff if applicable under your agency’s policies. Misrepresentation of credentials or falsification of documents is strictly prohibited. 4. Employment Status Changes If employment status changes in a way that impacts eligibility, you will report this to CSBS, as allowed by law. 5. Agency Policy Changes Notify CSBS immediately if new agency policies affect your ability to meet certification requirements,
particularly CE participation. 6. Consequences of Violations Violations of this agreement may result in: • Application denial or invalidation • Certification revocation • Investigation of alleged misconduct • Notification to your employer of findings Acceptance of this agreement is required to proceed with your application.
17 Examiner Certification Program / Participant Handbook
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