DataPalooza 2022

Internal Use Only


Think about implementing Data Analytics across your agency.

What do (or what did) individuals need to do in the 3 phases noted in the table below? • Each person has a choice and an accountability for change. How will you build that accountability and engagement?

What does adoption look like in these three phases? • How will you know/understand the adoption issue: Skill issue ‐‐ don’t know how to use it; or Willingness issue ‐‐ not aware or don’t want to use it

Before the Change

During the Change

After the Change

Internal Use Only

Template: Apply ADKAR Create a roadmap to adopt data analytics capability


Awareness • Of the need to change • Of the nature of the change


Desire • To support the change • To participate and engage

Ability • To implement the change • To demonstrate performance

• On how to change • On how to implement new skills and behaviors

• To sustain the change

What activities can you lead to enable individual adoption?

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