DataPalooza 2022
3 Key Success Factors What do you have to get right?
$3352$&+ .H\ 6WHSV a) Determine the 6SRQVRU DQG D /HDG . b) Develop the Narrative. Document the &DVH IRU &KDQJH . Make data literacy explicit- give it a brand/identity. c) Craft your %OXHSULQW DQG LQLWLDO 3ODQ , and inventory what you already have underway to leverage. Make it “part of”. d) Explore data literacy and “speaking data” with some SLORW ZRUNVKRSV across diverse business/data/quant groups. Make it personal. De-mystify it and replace fear with fun. e) Launch pragmatically with TXLFN ORZ FRVW ZLQV f) Share the stories. (QJDJH WKH OHDGHUV DQG LQIOXHQFHUV at all levels. Ignite bottom-up momentum. g) Enhance the case by teaming with HR and other key partners. Refine your SODQ IRU VFDOH .
*(77,1* 67$57(' +RZ WR VWDUW ZRUN VPDUW DQG QRW ZDVWH WLPH UHVRXUFHV" • Don’t go it alone • Make most of what exists internally and externally • Beware of a market that is still emerging
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