DataPalooza 2022

Host an internal innovation Shark Tank Shark Tanks are a public event when ‘innovators’ make pitches to ‘investors’ for new projects. This is a fun and lighthearted way to select potential ideas for innovation projects. You can make it as big (think large auditorium or big video call) or as small (think individual team) as you like. The “normal” investment that is awarded to winners is money to spend on implementing the project but see the variations below. Variations Winners get approval to proceed (instead of specific dollar funding). The winners are awarded a set number of hours “on the clock” to work on the project. The ‘investors’ are coworkers, who invest their time and skills to work on the project and implement it. Combine with: Conferring Internal Awards, Giving employees time for innovation Good when: You want a method to choose which ideas to work on next. You don’t have money to spend, but employees have innovation time to use. Resources the-bureaucracy/ Host a hackathon Hackathons are events that last anywhere from one business day to several days. Organizations invite external people to gather and “hack” or solve key problems. They usually involve the organization presenting a problem to people who attend, and then directing attendees to form teams. The teams spend the time working together to identify potential solutions, and then create prototypes or presentations for the solution. Prizes are typically awarded for the best solutions. The organization is usually granted permission to keep and use whatever is created during the hackathon. Variations Internal Hackathon – Employees from across your organization come together to pitch solutions to a problem. These internal teams can continue working on the solution after the event. Good when you want to: Generate excitement around solving a problem. Engage internal and external users with your organization. Get creative ideas from people who aren’t normally involved in the development of a product or process.

Build relationships with external companies or organizations. Gain access to expertise that you don’t have in your organization.

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