DataPalooza 2021


Figure 25 - Quarter Slider


EDITOR Add Quarter to the Rows and Total Assets to the Metric Section.

PLOT Just like the last section lets navigate to the Format Panel and select Trend Lines. There are options to change the color of the line or even change the model.

Figure 26 - Trend Line

The models available are Best Fit, Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power, and Polynomial. Best Fit will display a trend line that best fits the data. This is the trend line with the highest r-squared value. Linear will display a linear trend line, which is a best-fit straight line that is used with simple linear data sets. A linear trend line represents data that is increasing or decreasing at a steady rate. Logarithmic will display a logarithmic trend line, which is a best-fit curved line that is most useful when the rate of change in the data increases or decreases quickly and then

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