Cyber & IT Supervisory Forum - Additional Resources



Home security cameras have become extremely popular in recent years for the convenience of seeing who is at your house as well as being a terrific way to protect your home and belongings against a range of threat actors. 594 However, since many of the cameras are connected to the internet, they can present some privacy issues if not configured correctly. 595 Below we discuss features to look for to safeguard your privacy when picking out a security camera and give you a breakdown of some of the best cameras that meet these standards. 596

Security Camera Features to Consider

25.1.1 Connectivity Wireless and wire-free cameras can be vulnerable to hacking and signal drops so consider using cameras that have a wired connection to the internet for the best protection. 597 25.1.2 Two-Factor Authentication Enabling Two-factor authentication is a terrific way to add an added layer of protection to your cameras, making the camera not easily comprisable. 598 25.1.3 Privacy Shutter Putting privacy shutters in place by one of the following methods can prevent unwanted guests from streaming or recording footage from your camera: putting a physical cover over the camera, enabling it through an app, or pressing a switch on the camera. 599 25.1.4 Local Storage As an alternative to storing all your camera’s videos on the cloud, you can store the videos locally onto a memory card, microSD, to ensure the safeguarding of your privacy. 600 25.1.5 Detection Zones Cameras with detection zones allow you to select the areas in a frame you want to watch which drops the need for continuous recording, as in camera models that record anytime motion is detected and cuts down on the storage needed for your footage. 601 25.1.6 Facial Recognition Facial Recognition is a feature available on some camera models that can be programmed to only record when faces that are unknown are present. This means the camera will not actively record and send you alerts unless it is a stranger or someone the feature does not recognize. 602


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