CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Regulation B

Reg B: Adverse Action Notification 5 minutes This mini-course focuses on notification obligations for financial institutions when they take adverse action on requested or existing credit accounts. The course is intended for lending staff and employees requiring knowledge of Regulation B. 30 minutes This course, recommended for loan personnel, addresses how Reg B affects consumers and small and large business loans, what information must be gathered for eligibility, when it's appropriate to gather credit informa tion on a spouse, and the requirements for providing copies of an appraisal. 60 minutes Recommended for loan personnel, this course teaches ways to identify the definition of discrimination as it pertains to Reg B and the financial industry, and recognize the types of discrimination described under Reg B. 30 minutes This course, recommended for loan personnel, will teach about the notification process, counteroffers and when they should be made, what constitutes a loan application and a withdrawn application, and the steps to take when information is missing. 45 minutes In this course, recommended for all personnel involved in providing loan applications, students will recognize violations regarding prescreening, the definition of cosigners, and recognition of properly secured loans; comprehension of disparate treatment on a prohibited basis and the effects test will also be covered. 45 minutes Intended for lending staff and employees requiring an in-depth knowledge of Regulation B, this course covers how Reg B impacts various aspects of the lending process, such as applications, information requests, and notifications. It also includes a detailed discussion of Reg B’s nine prohibited bases. 15 minutes Intended for employees requiring a basic knowledge of Regulation B, this course covers how Reg B impacts various aspects of the lending process, such as applications, information requests, and notifications. It also includes a detailed discussion of Reg B's nine prohibited bases. Regulation M 20 minutes Aimed at consumer leasing personnel, this course covers Regulation M’s central requirements for lessors offering consumer leases, including disclosure rules and the limitation on balloon payments. Course discussion also includes the purpose of Regulation M and its scope of coverage. Reg B: Credit and Loan Handling Reg B: Nine Prohibited Discrimination Factors Reg B: Notification Requirements Reg B: Prescreening, Cosigners, and Disparate Treatment Regulation B: Comprehensive Regulation B: Essentials Reg M: Covered Leases, Disclosures, and the Three-Payment Rule


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