CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Integrated Disclosures

TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures 60 minutes This course, intended for individuals responsible for ensuring the compliant use of the Loan Estimate and Closings Disclosure, highlights key aspects of the disclosures, their timing requirements, and the processes that need attention to successfully implement and maintain compliance. This course includes: TRID, TILA, RESPA. 5 minutes This mini-course is intended for individuals responsible for ensuring compliance in use of the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure for mortgage loans. It emphasizes the concepts of good faith estimates, toler-ance limits, and resetting tolerances. TRID: Good Faith, Tolerances, and Resetting Tolerances Loan Documentation: Ensuring Your Right to Collateral 120 minutes This course, intended for loan officers, loan auditors, credit analysts, loan assistants, and anyone involved in commercial loans, examines types of collateral, ownership of collateral, ways to establish your rights to colla teral, how to protect your rights from other creditors, and how to successfully compile supporting documents. 120 minutes This course, intended for loan officers, loan auditors, credit analysts, loan assistants, and anyone involved in commercial loans, addresses how to identify the borrower and signers of loans, the components of promissory notes, and attributes of loan agreements. Loan Documentation: The Basics Loan Documentation


Frontline: Marketing Regulations including TCPA, CAN-SPAM and UDAAP 15 minutes Intended for frontline personnel, this course identifies what actions and practices are unfair, deceptive, or abusive in marketing and what triggering terms in advertising require additional explanations and disclosures. This course also addresses the rules an institution must adhere to when making phone and email solicitations, as well as best practices for employees when using social media. Regulations covered in this course include UDAAP, Regulation DD, Regulation Z, TCPA, and CAN-SPAM Act.

Mortgage Closing

Mortgage Closing: The Closing Disclosure 20 minutes This course, intended for individuals responsible for discussing and/or completing Closings Disclosure forms, provides an overview of the Closings Disclosure, its key fields and timing requirements, and its relation to the Loan Estimate. This course includes: TRID, TILA, RESPA.


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