CSBS BAI Course Catalog

What is Your Culture? 30 minutes It is only through self-awareness that you can really know how you will react in a different culture. This module will help you identify your own personal cultural values and beliefs and will help you discover your reactions to common situations in foreign lands.

Customer Service

Customer Service: Handling Difficult Situations 30 minutes Intended for all employees, particularly frontline personnel, this course provides an overview of customer service best practices, including how to communicate effectively with customers and handle difficult situations like errors and consumer complaints. 25 minutes This course provides an overview of customer service best practices, including how to project a positive attitude and communicate effectively with customers. 30 minutes Today's information-age customers are the most informed and demanding shoppers ever. For a service representative, meeting the demands of one of these savvy customers can be a customer service nightmare. In this course, you will learn how to calm angry customers and effectively resolve their complaints. 45 minutes This module emphasizes teamwork as a means to providing exceptional service and responding to customer problems in a way that will increase customer loyalty and retention. Providing exceptional customer service is an ongoing process of uncovering and resolving problems. Skills acquired in this course need to become a habit for everyone in the institution. 30 minutes The secret to exceptional service is treating your customer the way you would want to be treated. Despite the technological tools in our hands, customer service cannot be fully automated; it has to happen with and between people. Even though we know when we receive good customer service, it is hard to define or to quantify. In this module, we will look at the value of customer service and how to implement it in organizations. 180 minutes This course shows employees of financial institutions how they can foster their institutions success by expanding its existing customer relationships. Topics covered include working as a team to provide exceptional service, responding to customer problems in ways that increase customer loyalty and retention, communicating the features and benefits of products/services to satisfy customers, and developing a competitive advantage by cultivating loyal, long-term customer relationships. Diversity 30 minutes Intended for all employees, this course addresses the importance of diversity and inclusion in preventing bullying and harassment in the workplace and identifies the responsibilities of employees in helping to promote diversity and inclusion and address inappropriate behavior. Customer Service Essentials Dealing with Difficult Customers Exceeding Customer Expectations Providing Service Excellence Sales is Just Great Service Diversity and Inclusion


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