CSBS BAI Course Catalog

Assorted Regulations

Federal Record Retention Requirements 30 minutes Intended primarily for senior management and board members, this course provides a comprehensive overview of federal records retention requirements, as well as best practices for implementing an effective records management program. 10 minutes This compliance brief discusses the conditions and means by which a Federal Reserve Bank may extend credit to depository institutions and other entities. 10 minutes This compliance brief outlines the conditions under which an individual may be considered a financial institution, and is therefore able to take advantage of the netting provisions described in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991. 10 minutes This compliance brief discusses the Federal Reserve's rules regarding evaluations, controls, and limits with respect to correspondent exposure. 10 minutes This compliance brief provides an outline of the procedures and requirements for Fed member banks that wish to purchase or redeem Federal Reserve Bank capital stock. 10 minutes This compliance brief outlines the rules and procedures depository institutions must follow in order to collect, return, and settle balances through the Federal Reserve System. 10 minutes This compliance brief discusses the rules by which bank holding companies must abide with respect to mergers and acquisitions, permissible nonbanking activities, and qualifications for becoming a financial holding company. 10 minutes This compliance brief outlines the conditions under which a management official of a depository organization may or may not act simultaneously as a management official of an unaffiliated depository organization. 15 minutes This compliance brief discusses the acquisition of control of savings associations by companies and individuals, the activities in which savings and loan holding companies may engage, the procedures for securing approval for these transactions and activities, and the procedures under which directors and executive officers may be appointed or employed by savings and loan holding companies in certain circumstances. Regulation A: Extension of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks Regulation EE: Netting Eligibility for Financial Institutions Regulation F: Limitations on Interbank Liabilities Regulation I: Issue and Cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank Capital Stock Regulation J: Collection of Checks and Other Items by Federal Reserve Banks Regulation K: International Banking Operations Regulation L: Management Official Interlocks Regulation LL: Regulations Governing Savings and Loan Holding Companies


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