Accreditation Handbook

Internal Use Only

APPENDIX C - PSC Member Job Description


Position Title: Performance Standards Committee (PSC) Member Reports To : The CSBS Education Foundation Board of Trustees via the PSC Chairman Position Functions and Responsibilities: • Review agendas and materials prior to meetings and comes prepared to participate • Attend committee meetings and voice objective opinions on issues • Pay attention to CSBS activities that affect or are affected by the PSC’s work • Support the efforts of the PSC Chair and carry out individual assignments made by the chair • Work to ensure the PSC’s work and recommendations are keeping with CSBS mission and goals • Participates in ensuring program principles, standards and scoring are kept up-to-date and relevant • Maintain the confidentiality of the PSC’s deliberations and materials • Strictly adheres to CSBS’s conflict of interest and confidentiality policies • Discloses actual or potential conflicts, and refrains from voting on issues related to the conflict • Vote on matters duly brought before the PSC • Promote accreditation program * Members of the PSC share these responsibilities while acting in the interest of CSBS. Each member is expected to make recommendations based on his or her experience and vantage point Meetings and time commitment: • The PSC meets two times per year in-person and monthly via conference call. Expectations of PSC members: • Expected to attend at least one face-to-face meeting per year. Attend and participate in other meetings on a regular basis, and special events as able • Is alert to industry concerns that can be addressed by the PSC • Understand the policies and procedures of the PSC Qualifications: • This is an excellent opportunity for an individual who feels the accreditation program brings value to the state banking and mortgage regulatory agencies. • Members must be currently serving as a state regulator having responsibility for the supervision of state-chartered banking, mortgage or other non-depository institutions • An individual with senior management experience with knowledge of all areas rated in the self-evaluation questionnaire • Ideal candidates will have a strong interest in professional development and improving state supervision. • Service on PSC is without remuneration Term of Office: Two years; maximum of two terms Date Updated: March 2017


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