2024 Journal of Community Bank Case Studies
we would like to thank our advisors, Dr. Atika Benaddi and Dr. Victoria Geyfman. They were both always available for feedback, to answer our questions, and to provide guidance. Combined, each of their specialized knowledge was very valuable to our team. Secondly, we would like to thank the individuals from FCCB who took the time to meet with us, answer our questions, and provide insight into the bank relative to the 2024 CSBS competition topic. Specifically, we thank Randy Black, President and CEO; Steve Guillaume, CFO; Mick Jones, COO; Heather Sargent, Director of Marketing; LeeAnn Gephart, Chief Consumer
Banking Officer; and Lauri Nelson, Human Resources Manager. Each of these employees at FCCB helped us in different ways, and we could not be more grateful for their contributions. Finally, we would like to extend appreciation to the Conference of State Bank Supervisors for holding the annual Community Bank Case Study Competition. We believe this competition is truly unique and rewarding, irrespective of the outcome. It provides the opportunity for students, regardless of background or school size, to develop professional communication skills, learn about the banking industry, and expand their network.
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FFIEC. “Uniform Bank Performance Report: First Citizens Community Bank; Peer Group 4.” Federal Financial Institution Examination Council, 2019–2023, cdr.ffiec.gov/public/ManageFacsimiles.aspx .
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