2021 Strategic Planning Conference

Ken Blanchard’s ABCD Trust Model Factors that affect trustworthiness…

A – ABLE Demonstrates competence. Able to do the work that needs to be done.

B – BELIEVABLE Acts with integrity. Honest, respectful, sincere, and dependable.

“Blanchard’s ABCDs of trust says that trustworthy people are: Able , Believable , Connected and Dependable . You feel (personally) included at work, make better leaders and build better relationships. These skills can be learned .”


C – CONNECTED Cares about others. Listens well, open, empathetic and interested in others.

D – DEPENDABLE Honors commitments. Do what you say you’ll do, when you said you’d do it.

Build Your Reputation as a Trustworthy Leader

Pre-Read Reflection & Our Key Take-Aways…

by Ron Carucci

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