Bank Analysis School September 2023 - Presentations & Resources

Internal Use Only

Non-Core Funding (UBPR Page 10)

• Time certificates of deposit $250,000 or greater • Brokered deposits • Foreign office deposits (rare) • Securities sold under agreement to repurchase • Federal funds purchased • Other borrowings (e.g. Federal Home Loan Bank, Federal Reserve Bank, etc.)

Internal Use Only

Funding Concentrations

(FDIC RD Memo May 2019)

Include if > 10% total assets: • Any type of wholesale funding (brokered deposits, listing service deposits, FHLB borrowings, other borrowings, public funds) • Aggregate large depositors (> 2% of total deposits) Examiner judgement:

• Uninsured deposits • High-rate deposits

Note: Some items not considered “non-core” could be cited as a concentration, and certain items considered “non-core” would not be cited.

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