Participant Handbook updated April 2022
APPENDIX Tab D - Continuing Education Requirement Every three (3) years, participants will be required to provide evidence of the following: • Successful completion of o a minimum of sixty-three (63) continuing education hours (CEHs) for all bank safety & soundness designations (COE, CCE, CEIC, CLIE, CSBE, and CEM) and all Mortgage designations (CME, CSME, CMEM, CMME, and CMI); and the specialty designations CCSE, CCME, and CTM; o a minimum of forty (40) hours for all specialty designations (ACISE, CISE, CAS [all levels], CAMLS, CTE, CSTE, CMBE/CSMBE, CCPE [all levels], CSCFE, CCI, CET, and CDAS). Continuing education may be claimed beginning on the effective start date of the applicant’s new certification. Training used to satisfy the core education requirement of a designation may not be submitted for continuing education credit. Continuing education should be selected with the goal of maintaining, improving, or expanding the examiner’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. Participants who earn more than the minimum required continuing education hours during a three-year certification period may carry forward up to 14 of the additional continuing education hours into the following three-year certification period (e.g., a COE certified examiner earning 83 or more CEHs may carry forward 14 CEHs into the next three-year period). CSBS training events will be awarded one CEH for each hour of “in-class” training. “In-class” training is exclusive of breaks and lunches unless there is training provided during those periods. Each year of attendance at an accredited graduate banking school is approved for 70 CEHs. CEHs will be awarded for equivalent types of training by federal regulatory agencies. When submitting a request for CEH credit for an equivalent course/seminar that is not sponsored by CSBS, FDIC, FRB, or FFIEC, please document the request with a syllabus and/or description of the course/seminar including timeframes. Submission of the completed hours in the online system does not require this documentation to be attached, but this information must be retained for a period of three years in the event the submission is audited for completeness and accuracy. Equivalent courses/seminars will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Other professional development programs and activities must have relevancy to the participant's employment.
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CSBS Examiner Certification Program Participant Handbook (4 th 3 rd ed.)
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