Legal Seminar, Denver, CO

Edward A. Morse is a professor at Creighton University School of Law in Omaha, Nebraska, where he holds the McGrath North Mullin & Kratz endowed chair in Business Law. He has served as President of the University Faculty (2016-18), and he has held numerous other leadership roles at the university and school level. He has an extensive record of research, including more than forty publications including books, book chapters, and articles, including regular collaborations with faculty in the Heider College of Business on a wide range of topics including taxation, technology, regulation, and security. Most recently, he is the editor of E LECTRONIC P AYMENT S YSTEM : L AW AND E MERGING T ECHNOLOGIES (ABA 2018). He is active in the ABA’s Business Law Section, where he currently serves as Program Chair for the Cyberspace Law Committee. He regularly speaks to academic and professional audiences on topics related to his research. His faculty webpage, including a link to his current curriculum vitae with further details about his scholarship, teaching, and service, can be found at .

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