Legal Seminar, Denver, CO

R. Paul Allred Paul Allred is currently the Deputy Commis s ione r of the Utah Depa rtment of Financia l Ins titutions . In his capa city a s Deputy Commis s ione r he is re spons ible for a s s is ting the Commis s ione r in the formula tion of policy and regula tion and acting a s a lia ison with othe r depa rtments , the a ttorney gene ra l’s office , the s ta te legis la ture , and the indus trie s regula ted by the depa rtment. Paul holds a B.S . in Politica l Science from the Unive rs ity of Utah. He re ce ived his J .D. degre e from the Unive rs ity Of Utah College Of Law. Afte r gradua ting, Paul wa s in priva te practice focus ing on banking, comme rcia l and bankruptcy law. He le ft priva te practice to s e rve a s an a s s is tant a ttorney gene ra l for the Utah Attorney Gene ra l’s Office . Paul is the firs t Deputy Commis s ione r to have banking expe rience having worked for Bank One , Utah for s ix yea rs a s in-hous e couns e l. Prior to his appointment a s Deputy Commis s ione r in 1999, he wa s aga in s e rving a s an a s s is tant a ttorney gene ra l for the Utah Attorney Gene ra l’s Office repre s enting the Utah Divis ion of Se curitie s focus ing on s ecuritie s regula tion and enforcement.

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