Large Bank Supervision Forum 2023

Best Practices for Large Bank Supervision


o Include how past regulatory issues were closed and maintain list of current outstanding issues 13. Large bank teams provide their own state department/agency commissioner and senior management team with at least a semiannual update of the large bank VIII. Training 1. Formal Training Classes – content related to individual aspects of large bank examining (ERM, MRM, ORM, Third Party Risk Management, Data Governance, Corporate Governance, Regs applicable to large banks, etc.) 2. On ‐ the ‐ Job training – learn through observation and shadowing o Working on examinations with Subject Matter Experts o Involve a few less experienced examiners (in addition to the state EICs/CPCs) in the ongoing large bank examination process to promote training opportunities and staffing continuity 3. Formal Training Programs o FRB

o FDIC o FFIEC o CSBS 4. Specialized Training Events o Shared National Credit Line Card Completion o Energy Lending Analysis o Enterprise Risk Management o Model Risk Management 5. Online Training

o YouTube o Podcasts o News Articles o Informal Training Programs o Quarterly CSBS Large Bank Meetings

Last update March 1, 2023

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