LEAD - August 2023
Leadership Effectiveness and Development (LEAD) San Diego, CA August 21-24, 2023
ATTENDEES California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation Aguilera, Laura
laura.aguilera@dfpi.ca.gov juan.barragan@dfpi.ca.gov t'pre.griffin@dfpi.ca.gov timothy.levernier@dfpi.ca.gov kevin.lin@dfpi.ca.gov phuong.miller@dfpi.ca.gov anthony.molina@dfpi.ca.gov delmy.navarrete@dfpi.ca.gov daisy.perez@dfpi.ca.gov marylou.quinn@dfpi.ca.gov neil.rajan@dfpi.ca.gov camtu.tran@dfpi.ca.gov marisol.vazquez@dfpi.ca.gov jason.velasco@dfpi.ca.gov
Barragan, Juan Griffin, T'Pre
Levernier, Timothy
Lin, Kevin
Miller, Phuong Molina, Anthony Navarrete, Delmy
Perez, Daisy
Quinn, MaryLou
Rajan, Neil Tran, Camtu
Vazquez, Marisol Velasco, Jason
Vo, Ann
ann.vo@dfpi.ca.gov sophia.vue@dfpi.ca.gov ying.wei@dfpi.ca.gov min.xie@dfpi.ca.gov mei.zhou@dfpi.ca.gov
Vue, Sophia Wei, Ying Xie, Min Zhou, Mei
Indiana Department of Financial Institutions Gala, Jay
jgala1@dfi.in.gov mkeen@dfi.in.gov tshearer@dfi.in.gov
Keen, Mark Shearer, Tyler
Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Boomer, Richard
boomerr@michigan.gov nagya4@michigan.gov schmittj5@michigan.gov
Nagy, Adam Schmitt, Josh
Missouri Division of Finance Baker, Adam
Ohio Division of Financial Institutions Kibler, Kayla South Dakota Division of Banking Heckenlaible, Jordan
jordan.heckenlaible@state.sd.us matthew.svendsen@state.sd.us
Svendsen, Matthew
SPEAKERS Arizona Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions Macias, Gabriela
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