Introductory BSA AML Examiner School Manual Palm Springs 2019
Anti-Money Laundering Program (AML) Certification
By signing below, I attest that (name of company) is registered as a Money Service Business and maintains an AML Program as required by federal regulation. To the best of my knowledge, all representatives of the firm named above complete AML training on an annual basis. Such training is conducted via the use of a third party vendor, named below, or in lieu of vendor training, is conducted in house.*
Furthermore, the firm certifies that the AML program training, whether conducted via a vendor or internally, consists of the following items:
• Explanation of regulations and rules related to AML • Identification and/or examples of "suspicious activity" • Collection of relevant customer information • Identification of source of funds and expected account activity
Firm's AML Officer Contact Information
AML Officer Name &Title:
AML Officer Signature:
Mailing Address:
AML training delivered through a: (Mark one with an "X")
Third-party vendor. Ifso, name of vendor:.
Proprietary in house program
Bank use:
Account Name
Account #_
MSB AML Certification
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