Introduction to Problem Banks eBook

Internal Use Only

New BASEL III Requirements

Total Risk Based Capital

Common Equity Tier 1 RBC Tier 1 RBC

Leverage Ratio

Supplementary Leverage Ratio


≥ 10

≥ 8 ≥ 6 < 6 < 4

≥ 6.5 ≥ 4.5 < 4.5

≥ 5 ≥ 4 < 4 < 3


Well Capitalized

≥ 8 < 8 < 6

≥ 3 < 3

Adequately Capitalized


< 3


Significantly Undercapitalized Critically Undercapitalized


Tangible Equity (defined as Tier 1 Capital plus non Tier 1 perpetual Preferred stock) to Total Assets ≤ 2

Internal Use Only

Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) Capital Categories 1. Well capitalized 2. Adequately capitalized 3. Undercapitalized 4. Significantly undercapitalized 5. Critically undercapitalized

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