Introduction to Mortgage Servicing Training - October 2023
may also have additional business lines, such as loan origination and warehouse lending. 7
Summary of Process and Review of Comments CSBS issued the Proposal on October 1, 2020, with a public comment period running through December 31, 2020. Seventeen comments were received in writing or through a requested comment meeting directly with CSBS staff. Subsequent interviews with some commenters provided further clarification in finalizing the proposal. These comments can be found at mortgage-servicers. The NDSC considered all comments and made determinations to accept, reject or seek compromise, on each issue raised. A summary of the most relevant comments and the NDSC’s determination can be found below. Comment: Insufficient risk established by CSBS; No established need; Lack of authority; Sufficient regulatory supervision at the federal level. Various industry commenters provided arguments that insufficient risk exists in today’s market to warrant state prudential standards and that no clear need for the standards has been established. Some commenters were concerned that CSBS lacked authority to develop policy or that state regulators lacked authority to establish prudential requirements for nonbank mortgage servicers. State regulators, through CSBS, have monitored nonbank mortgage servicers since 2011. This monitoring resulted in observations and concerns of rapid market share growth, nonbank institution size and the financial stability and adequate governance of nonbank mortgage servicers. These observations and concerns occurred at the same time state regulators began identifying new problems with nonbank mortgage servicers, some of which would only resolve through enforcement actions. Rapid industry growth means nonbank mortgage servicers are responsible for a greater share of consumer care and protection. Sound financial condition and safe management practices are essential to performing compliance and consumer protection obligations, yet many nonbank mortgage servicers are historically thinly capitalized with insufficient nonborrowed liquid capacity. Additionally, state, and federal regulators have identified through examinations significant failings at the institutional level in corporate governance and board oversight. State NDSC Determination Summary of Comments
7 See, White Paper – Reengineering Nonbank Supervision, Chapter Three – Mortgage.
7 Proposed Prudential Standards for Nonbank Mortgage Servicers 2021
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