Introduction to Mortgage Servicing Examination Training eBook

Internal Use Only

Model Disclosure Forms


Used For

Model Clauses for Written Early Intervention Notice –MS-4(A)

Statement encouraging the borrower to contact the servicer and additional information about loss mitigation options (§ 1024.39(b)(2)(i)(ii), and (iv))

Available loss mitigation options (§ 1024.39(b)(2)(iii)) Model Clauses for Written Early Intervention Notice –MS-4(B) Housing counselors (§ 1024.39(b)(2)(v)) Model Clauses for Written Early Intervention Notice –MS-4(C) Written Early Intervention Notice for Servicers Subject to FDCPA (§ 1024.39(d)(2)(iii)) Model Clauses for Written Early Intervention Notice –MS-4(D)

Internal Use Only

Borrowers in Bankruptcy • Any borrower on a mortgage loan is a debtor in bankruptcy under title 11 of the United States Code • A servicer, with regard to that mortgage loan is exempt from the live contact requirement & early intervention written notice requirement if no loss mitigation option is available • Servicer is also exempt from providing the early intervention written notice if any borrower on the mortgage loan has provided a notification pursuant to FDCPA § 805(c) (15 U.S.C. 1692c(c)) with respect to their mortgage loan

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