IT Examiner School - Oct 2023

Internal Use Only

Project Management • Project management is simply planning and completing a task which includes one-time or ongoing operational activities. • Project Management practices are formalized. • Characteristics of a project management include: • Roles and Responsibilities • Project Plans • Standards & Procedures


Internal Use Only

Roles and Responsibilities Responsibilities Key Roles

Board of Directors (BoD)

Approve funding (major projects) and should understand project plans and monitor progress against plan. Set risk tolerance levels within which the project manager must operate. Establish and approve major project deliverables and coordinate activities. The committees often include the project manager, a board member, and executives from all organizational departments. Approve & promote projects within their authority and ensuring adequate resources are available to complete projects. Ensuring projects support business objectives, project goals and expectations are clearly defined, and project tasks are identified, scheduled, and completed. Project managers are also responsible for monitoring and reporting a project's status to senior management. Maintaining the technology resources used by project teams and assisting in the testing and implementation phases. User departments assist in defining and testing functional requirements (system features). End ‐ user involvement throughout a project is critical to ensuring accurate definitions and adequate tests. Identify and design security requirements and testing the features during development and after implementation. Validate project assumptions and ensure the quality of deliverables. Assurance personnel should be independent of the development process and use predefined standards and procedures. Identify system control requirements and testing the controls during development and after implementation.

Technology Steering Committee Senior Management Project Manager (PMO)

Technology Department

User Departments

Information Security Quality Assurance



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