IT Examiner School, Providence, RI
Types of Virtual Environment(s)
Full Virtualization ‐ almost complete simulation of the actual hardware to allow software to run unmodified
Partial Virtualization ‐ some but not all of the target environment attributes are simulated. Some “guest” programs may require modifications to run in such environments
Storage Area Networks (SANs) ‐ collection of computers and storage devices dedicated to store and protect data from across local and wide area networks
How do businesses use VM?
Network Virtualization ‐ combining available resources in a network by splitting the available bandwidth and channels Storage Virtualization ‐ pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device, e.g. SAN(s)
Server Virtualization ‐ using software to divide a physical server into multiple isolated virtual environments
Desktops Virtualization ‐ essentially the same as server virtualization
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