IT Examiner School, Providence, RI
Third-Party Service Providers
In some instances, an originator, ODFI, or RDFI may choose to use a Third‐Party Service Provider for all or part of the process of handling ACH items.
A Third‐Party Service Provider is an entity that performs the ACH functions on behalf of the originator, ODFI, or RDFI.
This can include the creation of ACH files or just acting as a sending or receiving point on behalf of an ODFI or RDFI.
Same Day ACH
NACHA has recently adopted a Rule to provide a new, ubiquitous capability for moving ACH payments faster. The Rule enables the same‐ day processing of virtually any ACH payment.
Remember, most ACH payments are settled on the next business day. This NACHA rule change enables ACH Originators that desire same‐day processing the option to send same‐day ACH transactions to accounts at any receiving financial institution (RDFI).
The Rule includes a “Same Day Fee” on each Same Day ACH transaction so that RDFIs would recover, on average, their costs for enabling and supporting Same Day ACH (currently 5.2 cents per transaction).
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